kis·met \ˈkiz-ˌmet, -mət\ - noun; often capitalized
1. fate.
"We die. That may be the meaning of life. But we do language.
That may be the measure of our lives." - Toni Morrison

"Growing up Southern is a privilege, really. It's more than where you're born; it's an idea and state of mind that seems imparted at birth. It's more than loving fried chicken, sweet tea, football, and country music. It’s being hospitable, devoted to front porches, magnolias, moon pies, coca-cola... and each other. We don't become Southern - we're born that way." - Unknown

03 October 2009

english professors say the darndest things

In reference to the St. Crispin's Day speech in Henry V, and said with as much gusto as the speech itself:
"Put down your pencil! Grab a sword! Find a French person, and kill them!"

Talking about putting yourself out on a limb and trying something new:
"It's like when you're learning a new language; you don't start out with the eleven-syllable words; you start out with the one-syllable words. 'Donde'. Oh wait . . . that's two."

Talking of the horrid Twilight phenomenon:
"Why read Twilight when you could be rereading Hamlet?"
{i couldn't agree more}


lotusgirl said...

Wait a cotton pickin' minute there bucko! "horrid Twilight phenomenon." You loved Twilight. So did I. I'll grant you it's not erudite, "meaningful" literature, but I don't think all things worth reading should be. Don't be getting all snobby lit girl on me. Don't let all those English profs rob you of a thumping good read. Of course, this diatribe means Hamlet no harm. That one rocks! I've gained a new appreciation for Macbeth, too, after seeing the revamped one with James McAvoy. Have you seen that yet? You'll love it.

Unknown said...

I'm willing to try killing with a pencil, that's what Joker did. Oh wait, that was pretty messed up.
I do stand in defense of "horrid Twilight phenomenon"- having read it, I have an unfortunate acquaintance with how pithy it is... Yet, I would re-read Midsummer Night's Dream methinks.